27 March 2020 28 March is the #EarthHour , #Voicefortheplanet and you just made a big decision to walk backward. Can you explain why you approved these power-plants, unanimously? How many trees will you approve to be planted to absorb the GHG you approved to emit? Will you? The National Assembly and the Royal Government of Cambodia are failing Cambodia and the global environmental health, adaptation and sustainable future of our generation and our future generations. Can anyone from the national assembly explain why you approved these power plants? The NA’s unanimous approval on 26 March 2020 is permitting the construction of 2 coal-fired power plants worth $1.666 billion, after the Council of Ministers proposed in February 2020. The Royal Group will build a 700MW plant in Botum Sakor district of Koh Kong. Han Seng Coal Mine Co., Ltd. covers 265MW in Oddar Meanchey’s Trapaing Prasat district. The government claimed these plants wil...
Reaksmey Hong
About personal development and looking at Cambodia's problems from policy perspective.