This morning I heard again from a radio news that HIV infected population increases to 230 people in Roka Commune. Government and NCHADS still refused to inform their figure, reasoning that they are waiting for the confirmed test overseas.
I am questioning that the HIV tests of more than 70,000 PLHIV since 1990's were not confirmed yet, as there blood sample was not sent overseas. MoH is telling that their testing capacity is not reliable. (?)
Local Health Center Chief said he didn't know if it is his role to monitor and report the unlicensed doctor. OD director said he didn't know the unlicensed doctor, who was accused for HIV spreading through dirty syringes, who had run his clinic for more than a decade.
I wonder who dare to take responsibility.
MoH Minister, PHD director, OD director, commune chief, district governor, provincial governor, ... and who else you should blame?
I claim for their responsibility, respectively. I blame government. I criticise NGO intervention that they have not done anything with private clinics like this.
However, there is no conclusion yet about how the epidemic has happened. Perhaps more than the blame on a local unlicensed doctor.
Wish to hear your thoughts too.
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