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My Favorite Quotes, from Dale Carnegies’ How to Win Friends and Influence People

“Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could ever be yours.”

“Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves.”

“Do the thing you fear to do and keep on doing it… that is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.”

“If you want to conquer fear, don't sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

“Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.”

“Happiness doesn’t depend on any external conditions it is governed by our mental attitude.”

“If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It’s the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep.”

“Instead of worrying about that people say of you, why not spend time trying to accomplish something they will admire.”

“Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.”

“Tell the audience what you’re going to say, say it; then tell them what you’ve said.”


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